Friday, 29 July 2011

We should eat Samgyetang on Aug 13 - Korean food

Have you heard about Bok(伏)day?
Korea is now summer season.
During summer season, temperature is as same as Singapore's temperature.
As you know hot weather makes people exhausted. Therefore there are three special days we eat nutritious food to endure exhausting weather. 

We call those days Boknal, Chobok,Jungbok, Malbok in Korean. Between Chobok and Malbok, those days are considered hottest days. Chobok and Jungbok are already passed for this year and Malbok is left which is Auguast 13th.

In Korea we traditionally have Samgyetang on Boknals.

Samgyetang is ginsang chicken soup.

As you can see in the picture, boil whole young chicken stuffing stomach with rice, ginseng and other nutritious ingredients.
It is not only delicious also very nutritious!
Korean people eat this dish a lot in summer season to have power, especially Boknals.

Singapore is always summer, so Boknal would not be meaningful. But why don't you try Samgyetang this Malbok? You can feel strenght after you have eat also it is delicious!
You can find Samgyetang in Korean restaurants!

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