Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Korea drama 'Secret Garden' hero Hyeon-Bin's Fashion.

Famous drama that I posted 'Secret Garden'
Many ladies were enchanted by charm of Hyeon-bin after success of Secret Garden.

Now, he is in marine military service. We cannot get to see him for 2 years in TV or movies.

But we can remember him as reviewing his fashion style in 'Secret Garden'.

1. Bling bling sweat suit

His sweat suits became a hot issue when 'Secret Garden' was on air.
People in Korea could see stores selling these suits a lot.
I guess this suit became popular because Hyeon-bin wore it, because it doesn't go well with everybody :)

2. Easy wear, cardigan style.

3. Suit
Because of his occupation(CEO of the departmentstore)and image He wore suits and jakets a lot.

Match with scarf

Suit really goes well with him!!

4. Coat

Although Singapore doesn't need winter coats, I post some of his pictures with winter coats.
Because those looks good on him!!

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